Friday, January 16, 2009

I'm all locked up, outside!

Yeah, today is a funny day. I came back room after my meeting with professor, and then walked out to Zhuobin's room (just opposite my room) topless. After fiddling a bit with his computer and all I decided to get back to room to charge up my LG Handphone.

Now here's where things get screwed. I tried opening my door and guess what? The door was locked! OMFG the door was locked! I called my roomie he said he thought I went out (yeah, went out topless huh..). He probably didn't notice me. Now he's outside, some place far..

Argh! All my FYP datas are in the room, guess I just got to call it a day off today huh, my roomie will be back late, as usual.

Good thing is, I'm going out for Steamboat soon. I'd probably got to "borrow" Zhuobin's towel and all, oh and his shirt too. The destination today? Hmm, let me think, if I'm not mistaken it's called "Tian Tian Huo Guo". One of my friend says it sucks big time. Ah well, no choice, I think my gang's got the tables booked already.

And as Zisan's SMS reminder to the rest of people that's going:
"Dear al, tis friday 630pm sharp sharp we gather boonlay mrt. Then go day day steamboat eat til we al die! Thanks."
Steamboat, here I come!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Bad Economic? Good Money?

Bad economic, and yet good money? Is there any relation between them? What the heck am I talking about?!

Well, maybe I should put it this way. What you perceive as a "bad" economic, might just be what you're seeing on the surface. Yeah, it's true, there are news about retrenchments everywhere. and many fresh grads can't even find a damn job! 

I've even overheard the conversations myself in the LRT, one dude was telling his friend about his uncle and the family is coming down to Malaysia for vacation, because his boss in Singapore just issued a non-paid "holiday" for the uncle! Wow, why am I not surprised about this...

However, I've got a whole different perspective about this issue. If you're thinking carefully, what makes a market? I'm not majoring in Econs but I do know it's a simple supply and demand issue. No matter how good or bad the economy is, you can make good, or extremely good money, if you KNOW what people want, and GIVE them what they want - or, say, you have a SOLUTION to a problem, that people want it SOLVED! 


These guys, that are retrenched, they are not anymore "demanded", supply is excess. Same thing, if you look at the market now, this bad economy, what is the "most demanded thing" among these people, especially the retrenched, or those afraid of being retrenched? Think hard, I mean really hard... And imagine, if one guy comes in, telling you that he's able GIVE you what you want, and provide you the SOLUTION to it.. I can be definitely sure that he's among the ones that are cashing in the lion's share when you're not earning any!

Simply said, bad economic is just another can-opener for another opprtunities. STOP blaming on the economy down turn, and better still, open your eyes wide for these opportunities. You'll be shock on what you'll see when you're looking from a different view.

What say you?

Friday, January 9, 2009

I've been busy, and extremely frustrated! But..

Argh! Alright, it's my FYP (Final Year Project), it's some kinda "steel welding" stuff if you're curious. With all the hectic troubleshootings and checkings I still couldn't find out where the problem is, hence, No Results! Gosh, what's worse, my professor thinks that we're just a bunch of lazy monkeys that did nothing about it..

That makes me wonder, what am I looking for, during these years in University. I'm studying Civil Engineering, but I don't foresee me being a Civil Engineer, not a moment. So what for? 

Why am I here? 

I wouldn't have known how to answer, if you've asked me 1 year back. During the moment, I was constantly complaining, about my dislike in this course, I wanted out, to quit, but what have I left after that? That's the point. The real deal. I didn't have a plan, on what I can do, what I have to do, I know I wanted a way out, but I didn't have the map! And therefore, all I could do was to stay put, and pass through my exams.

However, for now, 1 year later, not only I can visualize it, I'm actually paving the roads ahead - my way out. In short, I've found the reasons to quit my studies. I didn't need the "paper" anymore. 

So, why the hell am I still here?! 

Well, what the heck, I'd kill myself if I quit during my final semester, definitely makes no sense at all! That's one good point, but not the main one, during this one year I've seen things through.. That this "paper" still serves it's purpose.. It's the "value" underneath the paper, if I hadn't been in NTU, I wouldn't have known the extent of my capabilities, not in studies, but instead, Event Organizings, team coordinating, and my talents, drumming, etc. These are the real values I treasure(this way I'll have excuses to counter my no-eye-see results) and I'm very fortunate I didn't give up on myself..

For those that are lost like I had, your future, careers, dreams, I truly wished that you hold on to what you have now and work the best out of it, until you've finally found your "way out", plan it, and on your way to crystalize it. Dream and Reality, I believe, is separated by one fine line, they don't make friends. No matter how big your dream is, Reality still hits you as hard as it could in your everyday life. 

If you don't have a plan, don't talk about your dreams because it will never happen. 

Right, you're busy with your everyday chores and all and you don't have time to plan for something you can't foresee - your dream, see, that's the reality, it holds you back, but play around it, put extra efforts to just THINK, and PLAN. Slightly get into motion and you'll find yourself adapting to it. A little effort a day, and your dream will come true, I promise, but before that, don't let the reality sink you first! Hold on to what you have now and don't ever quit!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Finally, I Started Speaking...

Ah.. finally here am I! After a long and disgusting comtemplation, I've finally decided to speak. Please don't get me wrong here, I've been speaking since I was 2 but now, here I am speaking over the internet, to the world.

Despite already having a few active blogs on hand, I've been telling Gillian that I want to start a blog about myself, and yet I'm still not seeing myself jotting it down within my daily schedule.. 

I guess, no, I'm 100% certain, that my old friend, Mr. ProCrast is in action, and he certainly plays a major role on this.. And yes, he almost did it again, I almost gave up when I was unable to register a new blog named under my own name -, it's being taken! It seems to me that it's been taken by some guy that's trying to get into blogging in 2003, and finally found his "way out"(look at his last post), and never came back in 2004.. So there goes, my new blog's gone(I have a bad habit for registering new blogs).

Well nevermind, I thought, so I went along, looked into my blogger dashboard and AHA! I found this old blog of mine, In fact, it's my very first blog that I've started, and the very first blog that I've abandoned as well. So, after deleting a few old irrelevant posts, it's now a spankin' new blog with a whole new meaningful mission - to jot down my lines of thoughts, and preserve them.