Thursday, February 26, 2009

I Am Sexy, Are You Sexy..?

Well, yeah, guess what? I'm sexy. Honestly, it's what people always say to me!

They'd say, "Oh Joe, you've got a "Sexy"... tummy."

Ha.. Sexy tummy. I like it.


OK, you can call it "cute", I have a "Cute" tummy. Hmm, I... sorta like it, too...


OK, ok.. I'll admit it. I'm fat, and I have a big tummy, that's for true.

But guess what again? I'm not gonna let that happen! Err, I mean, I'm not gonna let that stay! The tummy must go! Alright, so I'm working on it, in fact, I've already got it all planned: 

I'll be going swimming at least 3 times a week, jogging at least.. 1 time a week (Ha, don't laugh), gym-ing at least 3-4 times week. I guess that's a good start, I've been doing them on and off but haven't really got it "stabilized" and "systemized" it, yet.

It's exactly just like what I was always saying, 
  • "I need to get my FYP report done by this week!" (I've written only 7 pages and it's been 5 days)
  • "I have to start working on my Offshore engineering assignment, due next Monday" (I've not even started looking into the questions)
  • "I have to start cleaning up my study table, I feel really lazy at the moment, can I do it tomorrow?" (I recall me saying that since last 2 weeks..)
I could go on and on for a few hours but I guess I'd just stop. This is how I lived my life with, I guess I should stop too, being this way.

Oh wait, I almost forgot, can I ask you a question? Do you like me? NAH-- OF COURSE you like me! I was gonna ask, 

Are you like me?

If you nodded, or at least you whispered "Yes! Yes!" in your heart but you're embarrased to say so, then I think you should stop too. Stop being that way.

I want to change, but I want you to come with me. Can you do that with me? It's hard for me though, to do it all at once, I mean, there are sooooo many things waiting for me to do, or finish up, I have to prioritize. I figured, health is ones most important aspect , so I'm FIRST going to start changing, by getting rid of my tummy(It's an excuse, I rather exercise than doing my homeworks)!

Alright... that's my first goal, lose my tummy. So, I'm going swimming tomorrow, 8.30 in the morning, and start off with that.

What is your first goal?

1 comment:

  1. dear, i think if im there in spore, im ever willing to clean ur room for you. too bad im not there :) hehe..and, yes, i love your sexy tummy! but I love sexy abs too. XP *xoxo*
